
Home All Category Engineering Product Pall Ring Plastic (PP) Pall Ring Size 1-1/2 Inch
Plastic Pall Ring

Plastic (PP) Pall Ring Size 1-1/2 Inch


SKU: plastic-pp-pall-ring-size-1-12-inch.


      This product was advanced on the basis of Plastic Ranching Ring, and
compared with it, both of them have similar cylindrical dimensions but the
Plastic Pall Ring has two rows of punched out holes.
      Plastic media combines a high surface area for aerobic or anaerobic
biological treatment of waste water with excellent liquid distribution and
high void age.
-	Strong & long lasting
-	Large surface area to encourage growth of microorganisms
-	Low installation & maintenance cost
-	Low blocking tendency
-	High void age ensures a flow pattern which gives continual contact
        between effluent & biomass.
-	UV stabilized & chemically inert PP. Immune to fungal or bacterial attack.
-	Easy to ship
-	Cost effective solution
Standard Size : 1″ (25mm) ,  1-1/2″ (38mm) , 2″ (50mm) , 3″ (75mm) .
Material      : Polypropylene Plastics (Food Grade Plastics, Chemical  resistance
                Plastics, Oil field plastics).